As a teacher I often require my students to present their learning in a number of different formats and I am always looking for a new and engaging way for students to get excited about presentations. I have discovered a fun, creative and useful tool to add to my list of possible presentation formats called Glogster. Glogster is a Web 2.0 tool where users can create a multimedia digital poster to present their feelings, moods, and ideas and publish them to the Internet.
Even more exciting is the new Glogster EDU where teachers can incorporate the use of glogs in their classroom to create an interactive learning experience. The site offers two levels of access. The most basic access to Glogster’s web-building tools is free. “The EDU area of Glogster provides classes advertising-free glogs and easy teacher monitoring of student work” (TeachersFirst, 2010, para. 2). After signing up and choosing the number of students in your classroom (only a teacher email is required), Glogster sends the teacher a list of generic usernames and passwords that can be given to students to access the private class site. Both teachers and students can view and comment on classroom glogs. Students can create new or upload existing images, audio files, videos, or grab new from the computer’s webcam or microphone. While teachers might want to address appropriate documentation with students, “the “private” feature enables you to limit access to a glog to your class only, thereby allowing you to even use copyrighted materials under Fair Use” (TeachersFirst, 2010, para. 6).
Outside the EDU section of Glogster, glogs can be shared via a URL on social networking sites or embedded in a wiki or blog.
TeachersFirst article on Glogster EDU http://www.teachersfirst.com/single.cfm?id=4733